WE just returned from the London kohaku. Thank you Hawthorne Sensei and to the parents who got everyone there and back safe and sound.
The Guelph club was impressive. Only losing kata to each other and demonstrating an all around sense of spirit and determination. Every one of our students surpassed expectations. You should all be proud of yourselves. Congratulations to Chris, Chad, T.J, Elsha, Stephen, and John. All of whom were attending a tournament for the first time.
Although there are no individual results in a Kohaku ( team ) tournament we have to give special mentions to Michael, Tsuyoshi, and Haley. Tsuyoshi and Haley have been recommended for promotion after both won five fights in a row ( both beating brown belts ) while Michael lost his fifth fight to a 16 year old Mississauga Blue belt. Well done all of you!
Thank You also to Sensei Glenn and Senpai Maia. Sensei Glenn was one of the team captains and won both his Kata and fight while also serving as a punching bag for the juniors on his team. Maia Senpai won her fight and lost a controversial contest in her Kata match.
Michael Sensei