Tuesday, December 19, 2006

fitness testing nov/dec

So here are the results of the fitness testing we did recently. Really sorry about the formatting, but I couldn't figure out how to make a nice table. Pushups, situps and squats were done for 1 minute, wall sit was for as long as possible. The fitness testing is not for competition, but to give everyone a place to work from. We expect higher scores next time.

Name / Pushups / Situps / Squats /Wallsit (s) /Score1 /Score2
Junior Belts
C.L. /25 /20/ 30/ 160 /75 /91
C.B. /18 /26 /28 /120/ 72 /84
M.H./ 20/ 17/ 59/ 252/ 96/ 121
T.G. /30/ 30/ 32 /127/ 92/ 104
T.G./ 33 /37/ 30/ 45 /100/ 104
E.A. /31/ 33 /32/ 114/ 96 /107

Senior Belts
C.E.2 /25 /13 /25/ 45/63 /67
C.E.1 /48 /28 /40/ 79 /116/ 124
T.A. /34 /32 /46 /254 /112/ 137
T.A./ 50 /38 /56/ 60/ 144/ 150
S.V. /33 /30/ 45/ 43 /108 /112
H.M./ 58/ 39/ 45/ 205/ 142 /162
S.A. /28 /27 /46 /137/ 101 /115
M.A./ 50/ 38 /40 /60/ 128/ 134

C.E.1 is the older and C.E.2 is the younger.
S1 is the score not including the wall sit
S2 is the score including the wall sit

A few individuals did the fitness testing twice so they have two scores.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Last post of the year??

Happy Holidays!

We have some news to announce - Stephen was promoted to 8th kyu, and TJ to 9th kyu. Congratulations to both. As well, Senpai Maia tested for Shodan and has been awarded her club black belt. Recognition from the federation will come in about 6 months time, after the probationary period.

We will have some classes cancelled over the Holiday season, there will be no regularly scheduled Saturday classes and in particular there will be no class on Tuesday, Dec. 26.